Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mushroom Boat Anchor

 Materials for a mushroom anchor: a couple plastic containers, mortar or cement, and an eye bolt. I used an old paint jug to mix up the mortar.

This has been a rough weekend for anything related to boating. It's been raining and cold. And I have had to work.

But I have had a little free time. So I made my own mushroom boat anchor. You can buy them for only fifteen dollars, of course. I just thought it would be more fun to make my own from a few things I found around the house. I used a one liter soda bottle and a plastic lid from a bakery cake. I poked a few holes in the bottom of the bottle so that the mortar could cement the two pieces together. Also a poked more smaller holes in the bottle and put some wires and screws in to serve small scale rebar.

Cut a few holes in the bottom of the bottle and also attach some wire or screws to work as rebar.

Finally, I filled the containers with wet mortar and placed an eye bolt in the top of the bottle. That's it! I will wait a day or two until the mortar is completely set and I will spray paint the whole thing with a can of Tool Dip. This is a soft rubber coating which will prevent it from scratching the boat.

A mushroom anchor

Then again, there is an easier method. Get a plastic jug and fill it up with rocks. Works every time!

 a larger and a small version of the mushroom anchor


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