Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lake Phalen

Mooring Points and the Saint Paul Sailing Club can be seen on this distant shore

Located on the North side of Saint Paul near Larpenteur and Highway 61, this is the largest lake in the city. The northernmost tip extends into Maplewood and connects to Round Lake and a series of smaller bodies of water that makes boating a pleasant  little adventure. I will write more about the chain later.

The Prodigal moored on the beach. The water is crystal clear.

There is a launch near the norther tip which can be reached by East Shore Drive where it comes to a dead end. I didn't bother. I parked near the beach and walked the boat down to the swimming area on my little wooden carrier. There's something very special about the water quality at Phalen. It's crystal clear. Sometimes you can see all the way to the bottom. Speaking of which, there are also two spots where the depth is around 100 feet.

  The launch ramp can be approached from East Shore Drive where Round Lake borders with Phalen

Fishing is excellent. The lake is regularly stocked. Look for tiger muskies, walleye, northern pike, largemouth bass, and the usual smaller bluegills and crappie. Phalen is also home to a rare species known as a rainbow darter.

 It was a quiet day so I left the carrier right on the beach

I did see two other boats with electric  trolling motors. Otherwise I had the lake all to myself.

The Saint Paul Sailing Club is quartered in the Park and has a number of mooring points available at a very reasonable rate. They also have a number of boats which are loaners. This seems to be a great way for new sailers to get connected.

A special note: Eurasian milfoil has invaded Phalen and all of the other lakes which connect to it. In order to protect other waterways, make sure to wash any vegetation off of your boat when you leave the water.


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